Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thesis Question

When considering financial, functional, and aesthetic aspects would it be better to upgrade existing houses or demolish them and rebuild?


  1. Jordan,
    I found an article regarding renovation/demolition. It focuses a lot on sustainability factors. I'm not sure if that was something you were going to focus on but I feel like it's a really important aspect regarding everything we do.

  2. Hey Jordan,
    I was wondering if you were planning on looking into the safety factor coming into play for renovations. Such as worrying about Asbestos problems or just major structural defects that have occured over time?
    Lets me know if this helps out or not.

  3. Hey Taryn.
    Thanks a lot. I agree it is a very important aspect in construction/demolition. I'm sure this link will help me!

  4. Thanks for the comment Arvi!
    I don't think the structural integrity is so poor that it poses a threat but Asbestos is something I hadn't considered. I will look into this... Thanks!

  5. Jordan,
    I feel that it would be better to upgrade existing houses rather than rebuilding them in an historic town like Kaslo for example. In more modern cities maybe rebuilding would be a better choice.

  6. Hey Morgan,
    I know exactly what you mean. I believe my conclusion will show a major renovation to the existing houses to be the best option. Thanks for your comments!
